High-Vocabulary Word of the Day

Endeavoring to contribute to your perspicacious lexicon.

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Other word of the day sites seem to believe you have the vocabulary of a third grade public school victim.

We know better.

Our mission is to bring you words rarely used, yet useful, that can render your lexicon more perspicacious.

9 Responses to “About”

  1. Jon Hodge said

    I’ll be sure to have my clients at Strictly English check out your Word of the Day!

    • kazvorpal said

      We consider that an honour!

      If you have any suggestions for words, or feedback on the ones we’re choosing, or how to make their usage more heuristically accessible, please leave a comment or send an e-mail.

  2. Ann said

    Pity you make assumptions about public school education. Too many private schools are dumping grounds for families with stupid kids but plenty of money. Your words may be large, but so far, all I see is a one-trick pony.

    • kazvorpal said

      Your attack on children who go to private school does not even address the fact that public schools are failing our children, overall. They, and their betterment, are far more important than the useless government bureaucrats who end up responsible for their education, when the government is involved.

  3. Liz said

    Nice site– but, can a lexicon be “perspicacious?” A person may be, yes, but not a vocabulary, I think. I loved the quote that accompanied “autodidact,” which suggests there might be a corollary here. ;) I hope you keep up the hard work!

  4. Sarah said

    Before I read Liz’s comment, I had the same thought as she: a lexicon cannot be perspicacious. Deploying large words is one thing. Using them correctly is another.

    Nonetheless, I applaud your efforts.

    • kazvorpal said


      You guys are no fun.

      When I was trying to come up with something to stick in the superfluous “About” page, I thought it’d be cromulent to include a sesquipedalian catachresis, but there’s no way for you to reasonably know it’s intentional, so I’ll have to come up with something else.

  5. so do these words get sent to my email? or do I have to go to the site?

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